Salve, vorrei creare un programma che appena clicco sopra inizia la registrazione del suono (senza accendere spie o display).
In rete ho trovato questo, ma per me e' troppo complicato. Una spiegazione passo passo?
Grazie molte]
Audio Recorder
Came up with this one tonight, figured I'd share it.
What it does
One-press audio recording with no indication on the screen that recording is going on. I call it my "Just in case I get harassed by cops" button. Audio file is saved with the date/time stamp as the name.
Whether or not recording someone without their knowledge is legal depends entirely on local laws. If you use this to record someone illegally, you do so of your own free will.
The Recipe
1 If %RECTOG = 0
2 Popup Rec ON (optional: time 1 font size 12)
3 Record Audio (see below)
4 Variable Set %RECTOG to 1
5 Goto Action 10
6 End If
7 Variable Sect %RECTOG = 0
8 Popup Rec OFF (optional: time 1 font size 12)
9 Record Audio Stop
10 Stop
Note about Step 3: long-press the File field to pull up a directory tree. Navigate to where you wanna save the files and then long-press folder icon to select it. Then tap the File field to get a cursor, and add "/%DATE - %TIME" to the end of it so it ends up looking something like media/audio/%DATE - %TIME
Set microphone for Source