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HTC Desire Z e HD + TomTom

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  1. #1
    Androidiano VIP

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    HTC Desire Z e HD + TomTom

    Ecco cosa HTC intende per mappe offline

    TomTom, the popular navigation company, has struck a deal with HTC to be integrated with the upcoming Desire Z, Desire HD, as well as future devices. HTC's new mapping feature, dubbed HTC Locations, will come preloaded with TomTom's maps and turn-by-turn navigation can then be purchased through HTC Locations or HTC Sync.

    This is an interesting partnership that will provide customers who don't have access to Google Maps Navigation with a fully integrated navigation experience.

    Fonte: HTC strikes deal with TomTom, will include the service in Desire Z and Desire HD | Android Central

    TomTom and HTC Unite to Deliver Best of Class Location and Navigation Experience on the Phone | Business Wire


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