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[907c|910i] cm9 nightlies

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  1. #1
    Androidiano VIP

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    [907c|910i] cm9 nightlies

    Tablets supportati

    * Mediacom 907c, Momo11 Bird, JXD S9000, Eken A90 (first revision) and clones need 907c_compatibility_1.2.x.zip.
    * Visture V3 and clones need visturev3_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip.
    * Mediacom 910i, Teclast A10t and clones need 910i_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip.
    * ICOO D90W and clones need d90w_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip.
    * CEMA10N7 "unknown" device needs cema10n7_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip.
    * Bmorn V99 needs v99_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Mediacom 711i, Momo9 and clones need 711i_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Protab2XXL needs protab2xxl_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Sanei N83 needs n83_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip (note: internal bt doesnt work and will never work)
    * Hyundai A7HD needs a7hd_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * MOMO9 needs momo9_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Onda Vi40 V3 needs vi40_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * LY-F1 and clones need lyf1_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Protab2XXLv2 needs protab2xxlv2_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * TNT Singularity and clones need singularity_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Eken T01 needs t01_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Eken T02 needs t02_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Eken T05a V1 needs t05a-v1_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Eken T05a V2 needs t05a-v2_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Eken T05a V3 needs t05a-v3_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Eken T05a (unknown version) needs t05a-unk_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Eken T10 needs t10_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Eken T10 with mxc622x g-sensor needs t10-2axis_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip
    * Sanei N10 needs n10_compatibility_1.2.x.zip compatibility zip (note: internal bt doesnt work and will never work)
    * Onda Vi30 Deluxe V3 needs vi30-deluxe-v3_compatibility_1.2.x.zip
    * Onda Vi40 Ultimate needs vi40-ultimate_compatibility_1.2.x.zip
    * Onda Vi10 Elite needs vi10-elite_compatibility_1.2.x.zip

    Tablets supported with legacy support (see FAQS section for more infos)

    * Mediacom 917i and 927i need 917i-927i_legacy-compatibility_vX.zip comp zip
    * Gemei G2 needs g2_legacy-compatibility_vX.zip comp zip
    * Gemei G9 (those not working fine with "regular" 907c comp zip) needs g9_legacy-compatibility_vX.zip comp zip
    * Sanei N90 needs n90_legacy-compatibility_vX.zip comp zip

    You can check "testing" section of my AndroidFileHost space to find out few more tablets that require some testing to be approved

    You can get them through Update Me app or on this website


    * Bluetooth USB dongle support (btusb e ath3k)
    * USB GPS support (cp210x e pl2303)
    * Xbox 360 gamepad support (xpad)
    * PS3 USB gamepad support (hid-sony)
    * Generic / chinese (Pantherlord / GreenAsia) gamepads support (hid-pl and hid-gaff)
    * OpenVPN support (tun)
    * NTFS and ExFat support
    * Veno congestion control algorithm
    * USB audio support


    * Copiate i files zip nella MicroSD o nella memoria interna.
    * Avviate in recovery (da tablet spento tenete premuto VOL- + POWER per tre secondi, rilasciare POWER e dopo un secondo rilasciare VOL-; i tablet che non supportano questa combinazione di tasti possono usare Novo7 Tools)
    * Selezionate " wipe data/factory reset" e confermate
    * Selezionate "install zip from sdcard" -> "choose zip from sdcard" (o "choose zip from internal sdcard" se lo avete messo nella memoria interna) e selezionate, in quest ordine, lo zip della rom / gapps /zip di compatibilità
    * Tornate indietro e selezionate "Reboot system now"
    * Godetevi la cm9

    Nota: quando aggiornate non serve rifare il wipe completo, basta fare il wipe di cache e dalvik cache


    *** This will be the latest release. Rom development is now discontinued since I moved to other SoCs ***
    * Full spoof as SGS2 (GT-I9100) for better GameLoft / EA compatibility
    * Fixed FC on license check of some games (specially gameloft one)
    * Bluetooth dongle now supports hotplug
    * Cyanogenmod's option to hide status bar now will permanently hide it (not only if the app requests the FULLSCREEN flag). You can enable/disable this option using the included ToggleBar app or checking/unchecking the option from "combined bar"'s settings.
    * Added WiFi wakelock (change WiFi sleep policy to "Never" or the tablet won't sleep)
    * Updated upstream sources
    * updated: cm9 sources
    * !!! WARNING !!! Compatibility zip 1.2 is required !!! WARNING !!!
    * bump kernel version to 3.0.36
    * updated: cm9 sources
    * added: devlistener, a small daemon to set write permissions for supported usb bluetooth dongles
    * removed: u3gmonitor (tell me if your 3g dongle was working with previous version and now it doesn't)
    * changed: build fingerprint to match SGS2
    * changed: minor change to HDMI kernel code according to a patch submitted by Quarx2k that behaviour was consuming 5-8% of cpu for nothing
    * updated: cm9 sources
    * Do NOT flash "fix_mxc622x.zip"! It's already included
    * added "gsensor special coordinate settings" menu entry that solves problems for some gsensor in some games (note that on mxc622x many games won't work because it has only 2 axis)
    * added preliminary support for usb audio playback (thanks tsynik for the hint)
    * updated kernel
    * updated: cm9 sources
    * !!! WARNING !!! You need to download a new compatibility zip, 907c/MOMO11/S9000 users now requires one too !!! WARNING !!!
    * now rom is based on the community developed 3.0.31 kernel (every tablet but A7HD that now has a "legacy" support)
    * changed some "cosmetic" things like a wrong buttons layout when sysbar volume control was disabled; prevent camera app from going to fullscreen when combined bar auto-hide is enabled; add menu options to enable (default) or disable gsensor orientation when HDMI cable is plugged in; fixed (thanks turl) screen off animation
    * in "Misc" section of Update Me now you'll find an "Ad-Hoc enabler" zip. Flash it if you wanna connect to adhoc network but note that you'll lose WiFi Direct capabilities, WiFi AP should work anyway
    * updated: cm9 sources
    * fixed: ip-up sets up NAT, now wireless tether (from tablet) works
    * added: smartassV2 new default governor (not on A7HD because it uses a different kernel, read my request on slatedroid if you wanna use it
    * added: volume control from system bar (it can be controlled from display settings; press "recent app" button to apply changes after toggling the checkbox)
    * updated: cm9 sources
    * fixed: upside down problem of hw accelerated video playback on some devices
    * added: forced landscape when connected to hdmi
    * changed: wifi module with powersave options enabled (you can download the one without ps capabilities from Update Me)
    * updated: cm9 sources
    You can see upstream changelog here

    Download link

    * Androidfilehost.com


    * 2012-04-29

    If you have a /system partition of 300+ MB you can flash "official" gapps from goo.im/gapps, you'll have a working Face UnLock as a bonus.


    * To manage volume from the sysbar you can install this app
    * Legacy compatibility zips include stock kernel with extra modules (like bluetooth, gamepads, ecc.). It's enabled for ad-hoc and wifi direct won't work. USB Audio and DVB-T kernel modules won't work either.


    * Github repository


    Ultima modifica di ChristianTroy; 14-09-12 alle 07:41

  2. I seguenti 31 Utenti hanno ringraziato ChristianTroy per il post:

    arjuna66 (17-07-12),avanto (04-06-12),badipaddress (15-06-12),BAFAN (04-07-12),Bert98 (11-02-13),boreasuni (09-06-12),Chepito (13-06-12),Chicowolf (05-06-12),cronyco (19-05-12),D4V1DR01D (24-05-12),daimo (18-05-12),Duff89 (21-05-12),EmanueleArena (11-07-12),Emix89 (24-07-12),Enricoelo (27-11-12),F3lix (02-06-12),francescoda (30-05-12),freesky (15-07-12),gennysat (30-05-12),housepabldroid (18-05-12),Johltzar (20-05-12),m4rk24 (22-09-12),mywave (18-05-12),papao (03-06-12),pasquiNello (31-05-12),PietroTC (04-06-12),pirupiru (04-06-12),tajima (18-05-12),timon (01-06-12),Tinebra82 (28-05-12),zonatar (18-05-12)

  4. #2
    Senior Droid L'avatar di zonatar

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    * Reboot to recovery non funziona, riavvia normalmente il tablet.

    Questo è un bel problema x chi ha il 910i, visto che ancora nn si è scoperto la combinazione x entrare nella recovery o se addirittura nn si può...

    Peccato, la volevo provare
    Ultima modifica di zonatar; 18-05-12 alle 15:18
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  5. Il seguente Utente ha ringraziato zonatar per il post:

    ChristianTroy (18-05-12)

  6. #3

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    Grazie mille.

  7. Il seguente Utente ha ringraziato mywave per il post:

    ChristianTroy (18-05-12)

  8. #4
    Androidiano VIP

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    bhe usi novo7 tools che fa la stessa cosa

  9. Il seguente Utente ha ringraziato ChristianTroy per il post:

    zonatar (18-05-12)

  10. #5
    Senior Droid L'avatar di zonatar

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    Ah ma quel bug nn era inteso nella voce di novo7 tool? :o

    Io credevo che nn funzionasse + quella voce nell'app!

    Allora la provo subito
    C16 - C64 - A500 - NES - SNES - N64 - GC - WII - GB - GBpocket - VirtualBoy - GBA - GBmicro - NDS - NDSlite - 3DS - MasterSysytemII - DC - PSX - PS1 - PS2 - PS3fat - NeoGeoPocket - NeoGeoPocketColor - Ngage - WonderSwan - Xbox - X360 - X360slim - continua...

  11. #6
    Androidiano VIP

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    non funziona il reboot -> recovery dal power menu CM

  12. Il seguente Utente ha ringraziato ChristianTroy per il post:

    zonatar (18-05-12)

  13. #7
    Senior Droid L'avatar di zonatar

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    Ora ho capito
    C16 - C64 - A500 - NES - SNES - N64 - GC - WII - GB - GBpocket - VirtualBoy - GBA - GBmicro - NDS - NDSlite - 3DS - MasterSysytemII - DC - PSX - PS1 - PS2 - PS3fat - NeoGeoPocket - NeoGeoPocketColor - Ngage - WonderSwan - Xbox - X360 - X360slim - continua...

  14. #8
    Androidiano VIP

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    TARGET_RECOVERY_PRE_COMMAND := "echo -n boot-recovery | busybox dd of=/dev/block/nandf count=1 conv=sync; sync"

    tra l'altro ho scoperto da xda che mi basta questo... tra qualche giorno quando aggiornerò la build il reboot to recovery verrà fixato

  15. #9
    Senior Droid L'avatar di zonatar

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    Ottimo! un'altra domanda, le gapps le hai messe nello zip xchè così chi le vuole le mette tutte insieme e cmq nn necessarie, oppure sono necessarie a far andare il SO?
    C16 - C64 - A500 - NES - SNES - N64 - GC - WII - GB - GBpocket - VirtualBoy - GBA - GBmicro - NDS - NDSlite - 3DS - MasterSysytemII - DC - PSX - PS1 - PS2 - PS3fat - NeoGeoPocket - NeoGeoPocketColor - Ngage - WonderSwan - Xbox - X360 - X360slim - continua...

  16. #10
    Androidiano VIP

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    perchè la rom cambia spesso, le gapps no, e così si occupa meno spazio e banda

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